Engagement Shoot By Wedding Photographers The Fennells-8

Engagement Shoot By Wedding Photographers The Fennells Part 1

MarkEngagement Photography, Wedding Stories

Engagement Shoot By Wedding Photographers The Fennells It all started with an email enquiry. Nora and Josh were coming to Ireland after being recently engaged and wanted and engagement shoot by wedding photographers The Fennells…that would be us! So we planned it all in advance and decided on two locations. Dún Laoghaire Pier for the first part of the engagement shoot and then for sunset, we planned to head up to Killiney Hill Forest overlooking Dublin. We discovered Josh is an ice hockey champ and Nora his devoted fan. We had so much fun on this shoot it was just brilliant. …

Trash The Dress in Dublin Bay wedding photographers

Trash The Dress in Dublin Bay Ireland

MarkEngagement Photography, Wedding Stories

Alan and Jennifer’s Trash The Dress in Dublin Bay by wedding photographers The Fennells Myself and Fiona had the pleasure of photographing Jennifer and Alan’s wedding a year ago and so when the anniversary was looming the idea was born to do a “Trash The Dress” shoot. We spoke of the ideas and a plan was put in place. All we needed was a sunset and a warm day, of course in Ireland thats not a guarantee but as luck would have it. A heat wave struck and we headed to the beach with cameras at the ready. Jennifer wore …


Engagement Shoot Killiney Hill By The Fennells

MarkEngagement Photography Leave a Comment

Engagement Shoot Killiney Hill By The Fennells. It was a beautiful evening for an engagement shoot on a Summers evening in August. Laura and Liam whom are getting married next year booked us for their engagement shoot aswell as for their upcoming wedding. Killiney Hill was the destination, so myself and Fiona packed our cameras and headed off. It was brilliant…what a couple and what an evening with an epic sunset! We started off from the car park and headed up to the summit stopping for some picturesque spots along the way. One thing was clear to myself and Fiona …